We work closely with a variety of world-class firms that provide engineering design, manufacturing and construction to deliver accurate build schedules, guaranteed maximum prices and world-class performance over the life of the project.
We promote a Public-Private Partnership (P3) model that addresses the community's needs & requirements, enables economic development and provides strong assurances that what is promised will be delivered. Our P3 model is based on an "old school" definition of commitment;
"Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality
Abraham Lincoln
It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions
And the actions that speak louder than words
It is making time when there is none
Coming through time after time, year after year
Commitment is the stuff character is made of,
The power to change the face of things
It is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism "
The First Solutions public-private partnership contract (also known as a P3) undertakes the Design, Build, Finance, Operations and Maintenance of a broadband fiber infrastructure asset for a government client over an agreed upon long-term period.
Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, Macquarie acts on behalf of institutional, corporate and retail clients and counterparties around the world. Founded in 1969, Macquarie now employs more than 13,900 people in 28 countries and had $396 billion in assets under management as of March 2014.
Macquarie Capital, a Macquarie Group subsidiary, is a global specialist in infrastructure and has been at the forefront of infrastructure finance for more than a decade. Macquarie identified early the potential of harnessing private investment to help meet global needs for infrastructure acquisition, funding and management. In the U.S., Macquarie Capital has played a leading role in developing public-private partnerships for infrastructure, participating in groundbreaking transactions involving, among others, the Chicago Skyway, the North Tarrant Expressway and the Denver Fastracks commuter rail project. Recently, Macquarie Capital and their North American partner, First Solutions proposed to finance and operate the Kentucky NG-KIH project as a public-private partnership. Macquarie�s proposal represents a new type of public-private partnership for the U.S. telecom market, and thus opens up potential new avenues for FTTH funding.